Thursday, January 10, 2013

These are my new things. [3/3]

Once upon a time, $100 was an expensive set of headphones.

Dr. Dre... I love your music but I hate your horrible headphones. Beats by Dre. Soul by Ludacris. Ultimate Ears from Logitech. What is the deal with charging so much for mediocre headphones. Oh, that's right. Bass. The subwoofer generation is awful. I hate to love my trunk full of subs and that half of the watts in my surround sound are less than 200hz. It sounds amazing, for listening only. 

"You need professional headphones" they said. Yes, of course. I'm going to be working in Pro Tools, Premiere Pro, and with big cameras and boom microphones. I need flat response headphones. I just had no idea I'd love them so much.

I was thinking that I would lose my bass. I was thinking the treble would split my ears. And worse. I was afraid the mids would kill me like a saxophone solo in a Dave Matthews Band song. I was so wrong.

I bought the Sony MDR-7506 headphones. They are as classic as headphones get. They released many years ago and the design has not really changed much besides adding some plastic where there was once metal. I was stuck making the decision between these and the Sennheiser HD280 Pro headphones. Luckily my friend bought the 280s and I was able to try them out to see if I'd made the right decision. I think I had. The Sennheisers are by no stretch bad but they are a bit softer in their sound reproduction. Not quieter but I prefer the more crisp treble and bass on the Sony's. I'd suggest trying them out before making your decision but if you are the kind of person that prefers a speaker with a tweeter, I'd recommend the Sony's.
They come with a connector to allow you to hook them to nearly any jack. It's gold plated and screws on. This secure connection is a must for professionals. 

The headphones come with a case for travel and these cans fold up nicely for transportations. This greatly helps with my fear of snapping them in half. Hey, I'm not made of money.

They came beautifully packaged to the point that makes Apple packaging look subtle. You can tell these are not a Walmart product. (Stop shopping there... forever)

They sound... right. There is not an exaggerated sound and music really sounds good. I find myself closing my eyes and just focusing on the smallest details in the music which are now treated equally to the bass. I came from the Sony MDR-X200 headphones and while they are very good for the price, you lose some of that more precise treble. If you are an audiophile on a budget, they are a solid choice. The Sony MDR-V6 cans are also a solid choice that many people would argue are as good as the 7506 headphones but for 20 bucks less. I haven't tried them so I couldn't tell you either way.

Well, this has been my report of the semester that left my wallet smoldering and very thin. I still need to buy a new external hard drive to edit on. A decent microphone to record on. A decent camera and maybe Final Cut Pro X. I understand I'm 1 of about 10 people worldwide that likes the software. Enjoy some pictures. Thanks for reading.

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